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How to bring SMILE :-) when it is difficult to?

Its been longtime since i am writing this blog, there are reason when i write a blog..................Most of the time when i am happy & feel like smiling, i immediately jump on the blogger site to write my set of stories.
A day before yesterday, i was so tired & was feeling very sad. Most of the time when i am sad, i try to go near by a market or a shopping mall that really delight me......I was just sitting at Subway restaurant with my Foot-long veggie delite thinking about - Why is it difficult to smile?

When you feel that it is really difficult to smile everything seems to you very irritating, jokes looks like foolish, people looks like enemies, you want to be all alone, you don't get delighted with any big or good news........The same feelings are all around me, i am feeling difficult to smile, even there are lot of reasons to smile but yet my face is empty.................

Napoleon Bonaparte said- "Everything is possible in his dictionary".

There are lot ways to bring back your smile...........i found some of them & sharing with you.......
  • Go for a walk in the morning & look around to the birds, look around to the trees, look around the beauty of nature, this will really bring some change in your inner-self. You will feel very different than usual.............
  • Check out you old photo albums, you would really feel damn good when you see those pictures that really bring all you memories of good time back, you will be surprised to see that how u use to look 2years back or 5years back or 10years your friends use to look, how you enjoyed your holiday tours with your friends & families.
  • Try to talk to all your old friends whom you hadn't talked for last so many months or so many still have number but you were unable to call them........I am very much sure that particular feeling after talking to them really brings smile on your feel so to your mom, talk to your father........this all will bring lot of positive energy inside you..............
  • Life is short to live with grudges, go & meet you friend with whom you had a fight recently. Give him a big hug........i am sure all your grudges will lost when you hug him or her.
  • Music is in our nerves.......listen to some good songs which always delights & this will surely bring some change in the mood.
  • Go for a drive with your near & dear's on the holiday & enjoy each hour by hour & second by second.......time which has gone never comes back.....
  • Dance - in your own style & dancing doesn't require any occasion.....Just dance whenever you feel to will surely bring smile & happiness to you........
  • Watch Kids - they are so cute & unaware of any tensions, with no grudges. Give them a little smile & they will return you with such a huge smile......I love doing this with kids.......If you have kids, spend as much as time with them when at home....they will relieved you from all your stress & strain of your professional life.........  
Hope you had find out some reasons out of the above to smile back.........Its really not that difficult to smile, once your heart understand the happiness naturally smile comes back on your face.........Cheers to all for that Smile which changes the world............
Keep Smiling......................................


Anonymous said…
good job dev,
but there are so many questions raised in my mind when i read your ways to smile...
if we want to smile there are so many reasons for doing so...but what about if we are sad internally and we dont want to smile....sometimes all those tricks not works...
Devendra said…
Whenever there are questions, its better to put accross.......
I personally believe in natural smile, which always comes from your inside............Still if you feel that you are not happy internally, It can happen when u want to do something desperately but due to some reasons you are unable to do........It blocks your happiness internally......There is only way out is do things which delights you..........But remember at times smile of our near & dear are much more important than our own......A poor dad can remain hungry but when he see his kids eating, see his seems heaven to him....
Unknown said…
Gud One...I feel there is no reason to be sad..but sometimes v do & get angry also..The key is to smile in difficult times also & stay calm even in every situation..Smile-it cost nothing...LOLZ
Devendra said…
Hey Aparna......
Thanks for your comments..........You are true, Smiling cost nothing. In-fact it brings happiness around...but still there are times when you want to smile but still are unable to......
Anonymous said…
hi devuuuuuuuuu......
arre wah. tumne to bahut achha blog post kiya is baar. nice job, its really really very meaning ful and needs of the time. we all r so much bzy in our strugle of life that we forget smilings much.( not me though, i am ever smiling girl). but u really did a great job. keep it up. and keep smiling too...........
Devendra said…
Hey Thanks Dear Anonymous Girl.....
Keep Motivating me with your comments, it really bring smile on my face....hehehehee............
Anonymous said…
Hi being sad is smtimes not under our control, we do get irritated, we dont like anything.wt i do is i sit in my chota sa temple and i like to hv a discussion with god.we can say anything to him, but dont expect him to give u a sol,thats we have to find out.but it really gives you strength.I dont go for puja regulary, i m selfish,but when ever i m disturbed or not happy i sit with god and tell everything going on in my mind.and i feel relaxed.the next day i look for sol and i feel better.I know it seems funny but try it guys it really works.
Devendra said…
Thanks Dear,
I think you had told us wonderful point which is one of the Major point missing out from my list. This is really a truth that if you have believe in God, all your sadness will be evacuated & happiness will be spread with God's grace.

Thanks for your comments

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