Wikipedia says: An idiot, dolt, or dullard is a mentally deficient person, or someone who acts in a self-defeating or significantly counterproductive way.
I had been to a movie - 3 Idiots & what i interpreted the meaning of Idiot is quiet different than that of dictionary. Before i start, let me tell u guys this is the first movie in cinema which i saw all alone (without my friends). I was quiet desperate for it not because its Aamir's movie, but because of Idiot.
I remember when i was a kid, i wanted to go for a career which brings all my creativity. There were couple of options for me at that time - Fashion Designing, Interior designing, graphic designing, Dress designing, cookery. Unfortunately as most of the Indian parents, i was asked to opt for science, so that i can become an engineer. I was not able to clear any of the engineering entrances as i did knew my competency level. Now for bachelors my parents still insisted me to do graduation in Science, so did i did my bachelors degree with no major percentile. I did scored first class which was an achievement for me as i never scored first class anywhere in my intermediate or metric. When i was through with the Graduation, i stood upfront & said i am not going to do what i want to do. By that time it was too late for me to opt for a career which i really wondered for.
Now i am an Packaging Technologist from Indian Institute of Packaging, Delhi. i am sure many of you are still wondering whats this course is all about? Go and search on Google, i am sure you would get the details of this course. Today i am a Deputy Manger - Exports, which is not my cup of tea. I still a personality with a creative mind. I would suggest every body do what you want to do, become what you want to become, doing this many people will call you Idiot or foolish but later when you meet them again after couple of years i am sure you can proudly & Happily say that u r there where u cherished to be. Today we all run for professions where there is money killing all our internal feelings. This is really something which we realize when we live with those high earned jobs.
Well my best wishes to all & hope u follow Idiots & become a good Idiot.
Luv to all readers