When i was kid, i had been born and bought up where my parents were very much linked with the Spritual Gurus, Every Sunday was dedicated for the same where we use to learn something new about the iinerself and outer world.
Being a child we use to feel pretty bored with such ritual of spritual lessons, however now i realise how important were those lessons and how it impacts our though process in the real outer world and helps our bring peace to our inner world.
I guess my favourite preachers during this spritual journey were those who use to guide the sprituality in a form of story, because thats how we understand quickly.
So there is one of the story which i remeber since than and will always remember it.
Once upon a time there was a Frog, who used live in well, which was older than the age of frog. Frog had never been out of that well, neither in his thoughts or dreams did he ever felt of going out of that well. he was pretty happy where he was living from years.
One day a pasing traveller was passing through that well and came across this well to drink water, He say this frog and asked him, hello Mr. Frog how r u doing. Frog replied - I am doing good. Traveller asked, its pretty awesome outside this well, have you ever seen the beauty beyond this well. Frog replied - No i don't know how does it look beyond this well. Are you sure it is beautiful outside this well. I had never been outside this well, neither i had thought of coming out of this well ever.
Traveller asked him, would you like to see the world beyond this well, i will help you and give you rope to come out of this well. Frog went in deep thought and was in confused state as there was lot things going on his mind, how would be the outside world, what if i come outside and some animal creature come and eat me or may i get killed by human beings. Atleast living in this well I am safe and i love this well, this is my home.
Frog asked traveller - why should i come outside, i am pretty much happy in this well, this is my home and what should i be doing in the outside world. It is of no use to me. Traveller said to frog - Mr. Frog i guess you had never been outside this well thats why you are not aware of the beauty of this world beyond this well. But once you come outside of this well, than only you will be able to see the difference inside this well and outside this well. I am insisting you that i will help you to see the world outside this well, don't fear. I will take care of you, the only thing you need to do is to hold the rope and i will pull you up. It would be easy way out.
Frog was so attached with that well and had fear of coming out of that well, that he refused and asked traveller to go ahead with his travel as he is not intrested anymore to come out of the well.

In Spritual terms Summary of the story - This frog is none that we Human being, Traveller is God or Spritual Guru who try to help us to see the inner world which is beyond the outer world but we are so attached with the outside world that we don't feel seeing the world much beutiful inside us. God is so kind to us to give us spritual lessons in a form of rope with which we can easily come out of the outside world to inside world but we don't feel even doing the hold the rope
In Real Life terms Summary of the story - We know that we are living with wrong preceptions to certain things, still being wrong we don't tend to change ourselves and our preceptions because of our deep attachments with those preceptions. We love to remain being a frog in this world with those wrong preceptions, even if someone come and guide us we don't want to change.
Being a child we use to feel pretty bored with such ritual of spritual lessons, however now i realise how important were those lessons and how it impacts our though process in the real outer world and helps our bring peace to our inner world.
I guess my favourite preachers during this spritual journey were those who use to guide the sprituality in a form of story, because thats how we understand quickly.
So there is one of the story which i remeber since than and will always remember it.
A story of a Frog.
Once upon a time there was a Frog, who used live in well, which was older than the age of frog. Frog had never been out of that well, neither in his thoughts or dreams did he ever felt of going out of that well. he was pretty happy where he was living from years.
One day a pasing traveller was passing through that well and came across this well to drink water, He say this frog and asked him, hello Mr. Frog how r u doing. Frog replied - I am doing good. Traveller asked, its pretty awesome outside this well, have you ever seen the beauty beyond this well. Frog replied - No i don't know how does it look beyond this well. Are you sure it is beautiful outside this well. I had never been outside this well, neither i had thought of coming out of this well ever.
Traveller asked him, would you like to see the world beyond this well, i will help you and give you rope to come out of this well. Frog went in deep thought and was in confused state as there was lot things going on his mind, how would be the outside world, what if i come outside and some animal creature come and eat me or may i get killed by human beings. Atleast living in this well I am safe and i love this well, this is my home.
Frog asked traveller - why should i come outside, i am pretty much happy in this well, this is my home and what should i be doing in the outside world. It is of no use to me. Traveller said to frog - Mr. Frog i guess you had never been outside this well thats why you are not aware of the beauty of this world beyond this well. But once you come outside of this well, than only you will be able to see the difference inside this well and outside this well. I am insisting you that i will help you to see the world outside this well, don't fear. I will take care of you, the only thing you need to do is to hold the rope and i will pull you up. It would be easy way out.
Frog was so attached with that well and had fear of coming out of that well, that he refused and asked traveller to go ahead with his travel as he is not intrested anymore to come out of the well.

In Spritual terms Summary of the story - This frog is none that we Human being, Traveller is God or Spritual Guru who try to help us to see the inner world which is beyond the outer world but we are so attached with the outside world that we don't feel seeing the world much beutiful inside us. God is so kind to us to give us spritual lessons in a form of rope with which we can easily come out of the outside world to inside world but we don't feel even doing the hold the rope
In Real Life terms Summary of the story - We know that we are living with wrong preceptions to certain things, still being wrong we don't tend to change ourselves and our preceptions because of our deep attachments with those preceptions. We love to remain being a frog in this world with those wrong preceptions, even if someone come and guide us we don't want to change.