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Stop Overexpecting.......

We are in 21st Century and nearing to 22nd Century but as we are moving quickly from one century to another i guess there is one thing which is diminishing day by day that is patience.

I guess everything is going in a speed of 5G, just like internet, we have stopped enjoying the life instead speeding up to the next level of the game called Life.

All this is resulting in over expectations in everything, i think expectations are good as far as it under limits. Overexpecations will not only ruin us but also riun our upcoming generations. We need to start teaching the lesson of unforgetable word of patience to upcoming generation to bring peace to their minds.

Same lies with us and our families, daily we hear new stories on the newspaper on mass murders and suicides because of certain reasons. This is primarily due to resulting in impatient behaviour, overexpectations of the family from an Individual.

We need to learn the old moral stories where it was told that failure is a stepping stone for sucess, any sucess story comes in when we face failures in our life. Thats what patience is, you bounce back strongly after every failure but today due to impatient behaviour we loose our hope and start reacting on every failure and once we have a mjor failure, we loose our self confidence all together inview of the thought of failures resulting in depressions.

If we come to our professional life overexpecting the premature promotions, over expecting the hike of 20% every year. Its resulting into imbalance in to our life styles. Couple of years back promotions were based on the maturity, experience and attitude of the individuals to handle things which were not so often and which were to certain extent helped individual learn things from their experiences, however today instead of learning and experiencing things, for faster growths people rely on shortcuts or political nature to attain growth of self overexpectations. which not only hit their social life but also person peace.

 Coming to our personal life where we have every thing today to ease us from the hard work, which was a luxury couple of years back. But now overexpectations had blown our minds so badly that even we have every luxury for ease our life we are still impatient about things we don't have and running behind them as it is a rat race. My neighourer had bought a new furniture, my friend had bought a new luxury car, my cousin is on overseas travel tour, my sister having a big house. All this is nothing but overexpectations and disturbing our today and tomorrow.

When we chat with any of our friends living in USA or any other country it seems they have such a luxury lives sitting in India checking their facebook or Instagram accounts. I had rarely seen people posting their bad day or their fearful experiences in that country on the social media. You will always find their selfies with a background which you always thought to visit, Social media had become like a place where you can make other people experience with negativity and jealousy of not being at the place where you are. Earlier people use to enjoy the place more and use to click their sorroundings more to keep them as a memory not like today we click selfies or pictures just to upload on the social media to get maximum likes or comments, also we don't get likes or comments again a over expectations started why people didn't liked my pictures.

Coming to kids education, we expect them to be super kids who can learn anything and everything with a shorter span, if they don't we put pressure on them to learn it quickly or we compare them with other kids who are smarter and faster then them. 99 percentile nothing less than that, every kid had a hidden talent, which needs nurturing as he or she moves in their lives. Better to focus on their talents instead of overexpecting from them and making them machines.

I guess everything is going over - over reactions, over manipulations, over expectations. We need to put break to these over expectations. Life is great, show gratitude, stop cribing, start living, start enjoying, we are blessed to be in this holy God's world in the form of Human beings. Let us be patient and stop overexpecting. Cherish your family, cherish your kids, cherish your friends whom you love and in stop expecting that every love you showed needs a return. Belive in God.........



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