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Too Much Thoughts......

Why do I think so much.................

This is the standard question which we all ask ourselves very often, its human tendency to think wherever we get a break to our mind. Even at times without getting a break too, mind keeps on working in the background even if you are working on something, even when we are sleeping. It always ticking and its very difficult to control it.

Most of our emotions are driven by the thoughts running in the background of our mind. we feel happy if the thoughts are positive, we feel sad if our thoughts in the background are negative. Mind runs faster than the speed of the light, within a second it can think continuously and simultaneously so many thoughts.

Most of the time when i drive the car, in the background my mind will start checking the emails which i read 3-4 days back and for which response is yet to be done, or it will start thinking about my parents well being if they are fine and what they would be doing or about 2-3 months ahead what is coming up or what i would be doing this weekend.

Even at times i had seen moments when music is running and my thoughts are somewhere else. It seems very difficult to concentrate on things which is going in your real life.  Most of us are so deep diving within our sub conscious mind that we start hating our real lives.

The Only way out of these thoughts are positive energy, remain positive with saying to yourself that whatever happened, happened for good, whatever is happening for good and whatever will happen will happen for good. I know its not as easy as we think. We have lot of sync issues between our body, our mind and the real world. The person who is able to sync his mind and his body together can only be a saint or a holy person who has true believe in God and trust the almighty blindly without second thoughts. 

I had seen various people online trying to teach about meditation but its not so easy to learn meditation. Its actually a beginners guide to sync his mind to the center of his eye and control all their thoughts to the center of the Eye and keep concentrating it. If you are reading this blog, just stop for few seconds and just it for a while..........
So what was the result?
Were you able to concentrate between your eyes?
Were there no thoughts while doing concentrating between the eyes?

I know the Answer but this question arises inside all of us why we are not able to do that.

Answer is there is so much going inside our mind that its so difficult to control your thoughts.
Why few people are not able to have sound and peaceful sleep?
Its because they keep thinking day and night and that all impact and deprive them from sleep. if a person is having sound and peaceful sleep, 6 hrs sleep is also sufficient and the people who are thinking day and night will be deprived of sleep as they will have their sleep only in bits and pieces resulting a huge impact on to their bodies, early ageing, you will not be able to concentrate on anything and resulting in to various other issues which includes Depression.

We all think that Depression is because of certain reasons of a persons with he or she is disturbed but its actually a virus which attacks your mind with various thoughts which gets difficult to control them and person feels to live alone with his thoughts doesn't like to open up and being in their own thoughts of sub conscious mind they lose their consciousness of real life and start living imaginary life with various thoughts of their future about money, their family about their loved ones and BLA BLA...............

Depression is at fast pace with youngsters too, reason is simple the are not able to cope up with huge pressure and expectations from them, they look for easy way around instead of working hard resulting into building pressures into their brain result is lack of focus and concentration and than suicidal instincts.

Upcoming generation is running away from natural process starting from waking early to sleeping early, they are just opposite sleeping late and waking up late. Thinking a lot and working very less. Physical activities are less and mental activities are more. We are trapped in a worldwide web of mobile, laptops and social world. 

This is all is taking us to an imaginary world instead of real world. We love the imaginary world more than real world. This is real dangerous situation and we need to give break to this some day if we all don't want to be deprived of consciousness. We need to go back to natural process and meditation which our ancestors had taught the world and keep remembering God through the internal eyes and bring peace to all of us.


Sonia Sharma said…
Really good blog���� keep writing...

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