My last week was pretty hectic & boring as i was on official visit to Dewas. I left Delhi on 18th Jan & all thanks to the autorikshaw driver who rushed me to Nizzamudin Railway station from Vasant vihar where my taxi got punchered. Train reached 6hrs late than the scheduled arrival time at Dewas. Two days at Dewas were pretty hectic as i had been to Dewas almost after 6months. My return jorney was full of chaos as my train departed from Dewas attleast 2hrs late than the schedule time and reached Delhi 12hrs late than the schedule time. Anybody who are travelling by train or air are advised to plan there visits only after checking the weather status, else you would be wasting your day sitting on the railway station or airport.
It’s a mysterious morning in the wood as the fogs settled in
It’s a mysterious morning in the wood as the fogs settled in
Fog dances with the wind through the trees twirling
A hazy white blanket diffusing scattering the light
Everything looks so different tricking your sight
The sun rays pours down breaking through the trees canopy
Linear streaks of light highlighting objects we see
Mysterious fog plays with the light as things it conceals
So when you are only near objects magically reappear
Strange shaped shadows jump out from the teasing mist
And twigs and objects appear that at first you did miss
The gloomy cold fog tries hard to hide the light of the new day
But the darkness and mystery it brings is not there to stay
The wind helps the sun to blow the mist from our sight
And wind sun versus the fog start their regular teasing fight As normal the fog slowly loses, thins to a light haze in the air
Going patchy with little dancing wisps here and there
The light and the wind always it wins afterall
But the fog would just quickly disappear from us all
But look closely he left a present from his newly departed mist
On foliage are water jewel droplets where it gently kissed.
Keep writing!