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The Power to Change-----------------

The leadership Grid Seminar: 12th - 15th Apr.10

Last week was pretty hectic, we started from Delhi on 11th Apr through Rajdhani express & reached right on time at Hotel Satkar, Thane where our training program was arranged. This was first training program where we had been given pre-work to be completed from home before coming to the seminar. Training batch consists of 20 members, team members were mixture of young & old. I knew hardly 10members out of the group. This was a good chance to know more about the members i don't knew.
All members were divided into three teams - Green, Blue & Red. I belonged to Red Team.
The entire seminar cum training program was split into four days & each day there was lot of class room work book sessions, where each team had to study the leadership pattern in their group & at the end of the seminar, leadership grid was analyzed for the entire group. Here are the Major Leadership Grid's with their nature & behavior while leading their teams:

9,1 Controlling
Efforts focus on results with low regard for personal impact.
- Exercise unilateral authority and expect compliance.
- Define goals and objectives in isolation and announce directives.
- Curtail conflict and resolve by rank.
- Limit critique to correcting mistakes and confirming progress.
- demand compliance to high standards of excellence.

9,9 Sound
Superior results are achieved through maintaining strong relationships and high standards.
- Share authority based on common assumptions and personal accountability.
- Involve those responsible for implementation in setting goals & objectives.
- Objectively confront conflict to reveal and resolve underlying causes.
- practice ongoing critique based on shared assumptions and criteria.
- Establish standards of excellence based on shared shared commitment and fully utilized resources.

5,5 Status Quo
Production demands are balanced with employee needs and trends.
- Exercise authority in an acceptable, give and take manner
- Establish goals based on past achievements or in response to unexpected events
- Resolve conflicts by seeking compromise.
- Practice critique in a limited way to assure acceptable progress
- Base standards of excellence on balancing expectations with popular trends

PAT Paternalism
Productivity is expected. Loyalty and compliance are rewarded.
- Limit authority to people who encourage enthusiasm and compliance.
- Are encouraged to embrace the assigned goals and objectives without question.
- Defer conflicts to those in authority and accept their solutions.
- Practice "reward and punishment" critique to generate enthusiasm and loyalty.
- Rely on those in authority to define standards of excellence.

1,1 Indifferent
Sufficient effort is exerted to meet minimum requirements and to avoid attention.
- Delegate authority whenever possible, or rely on rank and procedures.
- Limit Goals and objectives to specific instruction with a short term focus.
- Ignore, delay or delegate conflict resolution whenever possible.
- Make no use of critique except as required to maintain membership.
- Follow standards of excellence only enough to meet minimum expectations.

1,9 Accommodating
Efforts focus on maintaining relationships with little regard for results.
- Exercise authority through praise and reassurance.
- Purse goals and objectives that appeal to or support amicable relationships
- Avoid conflict by offering sympathy and support.
- Practice critique for encouragement and praise, but withhold negative comments.
- Recognize standards of excellence but only purse those that maintain harmony.

OPP Opportunism
Efforts are inconsistent and based on personal gains rather than organization goals.
- Exercise authority inconsistently
- Pursue goals and objectives that promise private benefits to those in authority.
- Avoid conflict by eluding responsibility and commitment.
- Use critique to gauge the level of collaboration and endorsement.
- Only pursue standards of excellence if they further personal goals.


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