Today i reached home early than routine weekdays and i was feeling little surprised how this had happened...Any how i am back from office early but now what?
I just started recapturing my day starting from when i waked up at 7am in the morning till i go for sleep.
7:00hrs - Wake up
8:30hrs - Breakfast
9:00hrs - Ready to go to office.
10:00hrs-Routine office work
13:30hrs- Lunch
15:00hrs- Tea Time
19:00hrs- Wrapping things up to move home.
20:00hrs - Reach back home
21:00hrs - Dinner
23:00hrs - Go for sleep
- Wanted to hit GYM but hardly able to do.
- Wanted to cook and eat something different but we end up eating outside at some restaurants.
- Wanted to read books but we make ourselves so busy with watching soap operas on our television sets.
- Do you remember when did you last saw the sun rise while you were on your morning walk.
- Do you remember when did you last played any indoor or outdoor games with your family.
- Do you remember that if you had ever left your mobiles/ laptops/ tabs at peace.
- Invited your friends along with their families to enjoy and have fun..
- Do you remember when did you picked up a comic book to have some fun reading.
