Finally I had found way to write my blog through my tab, it looks as simple as writing through your PC or Laptop.....just downloaded Google blogger...
Lets come back to my new blog subject tag Lazy go Crazy......
You know today we see lot of electronic mechanical devices around us.....we are living in 21st century where modern technology had changed the idea of living.....
May be some people may agree or may not agree with my next remarks....
Long back when the human beings came into existence, they changed a lot as compared to other creatures or animals around.....some people say that this was because of sharp brains inside human body...which is very true and scientifically proven.....
Long back when the human beings came into existence, they changed a lot as compared to other creatures or animals around.....some people say that this was because of sharp brains inside human body...which is very true and scientifically proven.....
Do you know how Engineers and engineering came into existence? Being sharpest of all existing creatures, human beings were also among the laziest, they had always looked for the options which are shortest, fastest and easiest of all.....This is where greatest engineers were born and discovered....
How engineers were discovered from the bunch of the people, the test at that time to become an engineer was not as tough as it is these would be like the person who is not at all a hard worker, the one who used to be laziest of the bunch and would have craziest ideas in his mind were declared as engineers, they were given the task to convert there ideas into reality and they were provided with full resource of hardworking people and money.......

This is how engineers changed the world and brought revolution in the world and now we can see the entire world with just a click of our touch screens......not only world but in fact the entire universe......
So never underestimate the laziest person among us, they are actually the craziest creatures or you can say engineers who are making difference to the world....
Some time ago, Bill Gates himself said that when I had to develop most difficult programming jobs, I always pick the laziest one of the bunch as they are the one who can develop any kind of program with shortest time and with easiest and effort less ways...
That's why when a Lazy go Crazy, world will change......